Monday 17 August 2020

Real Estate After COVID-19 Is In Real Trouble


Real Estate After COVID-19 Is In Real Trouble

Real Estate After COVID-19 Is In Real Trouble

During a recent discussion regarding the economic situation that is haunting businesses all over the globe, a speaker began by asking – should business leaders take on a world with corona, or take on corona with the world?

While the dexterity of the wordplay seems pretty interesting, what is more important is the course of action that businesses need to take in the coming future – especially in the real-estate realm.

The jury is still to come in terms with how confusing the year-ending stats would be for real estate after COVID. But one thing is for sure, the shadow cast by the virus and its after-glow will keep those with acumen guessing regarding the time-frame of return to normalcy.

The biggest challenge in the market is the lack of demand due to several uncertainties. That deadlock can be broken by bringing down prices, reducing the cost of financing / mortgage rates, reworking tax structure and imbibing technology.

Primary Challenges Faced

Like all other major sectors that are facing upheaval, the real estate business too will be shaken at its foundation. The impact to the real estate business is likely to be both ruthless and lingering.

Deployment of technology can help realty developers augment efficiency with time, cost and quality across the value chain, especially in designing, planning, budgeting and executing projects.

Real estate after covid-19

Developers will need to take steps and navigate around a minimum of four primary challenges — demand being deferred, construction being hampered, liquidity crunch having considerable effects, and the ever shifting customer preferences.

Reduce In Demand & Shifting Preferences

Various analysts forecast at least 25% decline in demand for new homes this year. This is indeed a plausible scenario and will afflict those with significant market-share immensely. It has always been experienced time and again, that market retrenchment is never justifiably distributed among the participants.

There isn’t any room of doubt that stronger brands and those with conceivably better products, could in fact stand to gain at the expense of smaller players.

A contrarian view is that due to the lockdown situation faced by the masses, fence-sitters will finally commit to buying that better home they’ve been putting off for some time now. Such a situation where the intent of a purchase is pretty strongly felt will take a few quarters to materialize into sales.

Those who endorse this view would in all probability envision a postponement of demand rather than a reduction of requirement and set themselves up for the expected bounce back.

Real estate using drones
22% Real Estate Firms Utilize Drones For Digital Marketing

Economic & Social Effects

The construction sector employs millions of people in most parts of the world, especially in the Middle East and India. A large chunk of them are unskilled laborers. With the tag of being a key employer, this sector is not only economically imperative but also socially crucial as governments seek to rekindle the economy and re-establish livelihoods.

Operational disruptions, such as labor shortages, suspension of construction activities and disrupted supply chains will adversely affect project delivery and timelines.

We are aware that most of the construction labor tends to migrate seasonally from rural regions to the large cities. But will they feel secure and safe in the aftermath of the dreadful experience of having faced the ill-effects of COVID-19?

There isn’t any doubt that governments as well as private firms will do all that it takes to proffer incentives financially through better wages and facilities.

This should in turn tip the balance for construction contractors in favor of enhanced mechanization or automation. But rest assured not every contractor or developer would be in a position to embrace this modernization during such a constrained situation.

Real estate sales

Liquidity Crunch

It has been also noted that clients who purchased apartments earlier have been deferring subsequent payments for their under-construction apartments because of the overall financial insecurity and uncertainty right now.

In these challenging times, the priority for developers will be to operate with maximum efficiency and reduce operational costs and leakages.

If and when a project performs well during its launch, the entire working capital would ideally get funded by customer down-payments. But that isn’t the situation now due to demand deferral and construction delays.

When these are consolidated with heightened customer anxiety and penny-pinching on their part, the possible development would be a dire scenario of liquidity crunch for developers. They will in fact necessitate the need to harness other means of gathering a working capital and this would be only possible for those with stronger bottom lines.

real estate after covid

A challenging time for marketers

Finally the long term aspect that will grab the limelight is what home buyers are looking for and how they choose to buy will both change visibly and otherwise. Crowded launch events where developers seek to create a situation of amazing deals will no longer be possible, forcing marketers to reinvent the selling processes.

Product research will go online and comparison among portals will take center stage. To defend their turf, developers will be forced to step out of their comfort zone of lead-generation to build end-to-end digital sales capabilities.

Buyers will start placing importance to premium features such as sustainability, security and convenience.

The demand slowdown has been keeping price growth in check, while the pandemic threatens to impact global economic growth immensely and any hope of value appreciation in the property market.

Despite prices being affordable, buyers are still cautious regarding investing in property. Timely delivery is their primal fear.

Technology To The Rescue

Five technologies that are touted to have a significant impact on the real estate sector are Digital Engineering, Internet of Things (IoT), Generative Design, Project Management, Mobile Applications and Digital Engagement.

Real estate stats
Sale Of Residential Units Over The Years In US

The pandemic has induced new KPIs around building safety and security. Developers who demonstrate redesigned infrastructure, such as touch-free surfaces, digitally enabled entry and exit, resident and guest management systems, smart homes and smart club houses, will draw buyer attention and provide value.

As customers visits reduce and traditional lead conversion techniques lose traction, developers who imbibe digital sales channels by including virtual tours and online customer bookings, will find themselves as leaders of change.

Covid-19 is expected to prompt both home buyers and developers to focus on smart homes with IoT hardware to enable hands-free home security, energy management and home entertainment.

The real estate sector needs to start accelerating their digital transformation to improve efficiency, redefine the end-product and synergize with an upgraded operating model for a better future.

Real Estate after covid

Monday 10 August 2020

The Blizzard

                        The Blizzard

Six men were trapped in a blizzard

Gloomy and hostile weather it was

Each wore layers of clothing

Yet a fire was needed to hold life.

The dying fire needed fuel,

The first held back his coat,

From the faces around the fire,

He noticed one was black.

The next one a priest looked around

And recognize he did not a brother

He was not ready to yield his coat

Though daily he called them all brothers.

The third one looked deprived

He held his coat closer,

Why my coat should burn

To warm the rich who have it all.

The rich man looked in thought

Of the wealth he made,

And stowed all away

He worked not to burn it in vain.

The black man's face burnt with hate

He looked at the fire in disgust,

He held his coat and realized

A gamble to even with the white.

The last man in this sad coterie

Thought to himself, why me?

He inferred himself worthiest

I have a family & should live.

Each held their coats as death loomed

Each reasoned that he not lose his soul;

They did not die from cold weather

They died from their cold thoughts.

Monday 3 August 2020

Progressive Web Apps for Ecommerce – Advantage Consumer

Progressive Web Apps for Ecommerce – Advantage Consumer

Progressive Web Apps for Ecommerce – Advantage Consumer

Progressive Web Apps are in the limelight and many experts believe it’s a game-changer for the Ecommerce industry. PWA is getting plenty of traction from big brands. Big brands are reaping success having inculcated PWA for business. But small and medium businesses are still to catch up with this technology.

For small businesses, investing in technology is a catch-22 situation as they do not possess deep pockets and aren’t keen to invest unless the returns are clear.

Progressive web apps technology of developing websites gives a look and feel of a mobile app to the user. It imbibes the best features of native apps and pools it with the elements of a website creating a web application. This methodology is to provide user experience on par with that of a native app on the website across all platforms.

Progressive web applications work equally well on mobiles and computers.

Why Progressive Web Apps For Ecommerce?


Smartphones are responsible for 52% of the traffic today and in the ecommerce domain it’s all the more domineering. This suggests the significance of a mobile-first approach for the ecommerce realm.

Ecommerce apps works on a limited consumer base and majority of first time visitors are through mobile browsers. This suggests that mobile apps were not responsible for new clients.

Consumers were losing interest in mobile web even though they disliked congesting their smartphones through bulky apps.

Websites were not leading to conversions in spite of heavy traffic. In the year 2015 the concept of the progressive web app was introduced. A website was built and designed like an app.

Key Components of Magento PWA Studio

Magento PWA Studio is a set of developer tools for the development, deployment, and maintenance of a PWA storefront on top of Magento 2.3 and above. Modern tools and libraries are utilized to create a build system and framework that adheres to the Magento principle of extensibility.

Progressive web apps Magneto

Magento PWA is made up of 2 key components. These two components work independently connected through an API to keep the flow of information between the front end and server.

  1. Service Worker

Service Workers enable JavaScript to function at the back end of the PWA. They ensure background tasks such as preloading the content using predictive analysis of the cache, delivering push notifications, and synchronizing the data in cache memory.

  2. Web App Manifest

JSON file keeps the format of presenting the web application on the browser. This makes PWA adaptable, interactive, and engagement-friendly along with other crucial features.

Headless Commerce

Headless commerce considers making front end and back end operate individually. Thus front end (Application interface) can operate without the back end. This makes the process to load up quickly. Therefore headless ecommerce can deliver better overall performance and enhances the UX.

PWA mainly ensured that the web solution worked flawlessly on smartphones and PC’s. PWA works seamlessly even if internet connectivity slows down or there’s no connectivity at all. Therefore PWA saves the progress offline until you reconnect to the internet.

Features of Progressive Web Apps

PWA are aptly optimized and use a responsive framework to make the pages adaptive in every device. The webpage uses interactive layouts and engaging design to elevate UX across all platforms.

Key features of PWA for ecommerce

  1. Responsive design –Adjusts the web page according to the device being used.
  2. Content Personalization –Cache memory saves the content of a webpage & uses it even without internet. Therefore page loading time is minimal.
  3. Add icon to home screen –Website can create launch icons and add them to the home screen of a mobile. So SMEs don’t require visitors to download the app but will still get audience comparable to native apps.
  4. Light & data-friendly –PWA optimizes the website to work fast and fluently on mobile browsers. Website load time is trivial. Cache data stores few specific dynamics of a webpage that doesn’t need to load each time you visit the page.
  5. Interactive web interface –PWA elevates UX with its interactive UI and intuitive layout. Visitors are under the impression that it’s a native mobile app.
  6. Search friendly –PWA is in fact a website and has a structured content layout. So PWA is SEO friendly too. Being a web application it can be indexed by search engines.
  7. Safe & Secure –Data servers are safe in PWA compared to native apps. Data breach can be negated with HTTPS protection.

Benefits of PWA for Online Business

Benefits of PWA for ecommerce are plenty. Browsing experience is impeccable.

Progressive Web Apps brings in plenty of traffic and offers better engagement value which is vital for any business.

  1. Works on all platforms– PWA works on browsers, so whether it is Windows or Android it doesn’t matter.
  2. Adapts to device configuration –PWA adapts to the user’s device and is efficient irrespective of the size of the screen or hardware configurations.
  3. Fluent Performance –PWA being small and compact delivers flawless UX without any processing issues.
  4. Enhances visual appeal –The interactive design attracts more visitors.
  5. Bounce rate decreases – Because of an innovative design and intricate features visitors stay put there by reducing bounce rate.
  6. Enhances customer accessibility –Access is provided to anyone with the URL. Websites have good penetration due to accessibility.
  7. Consistency of UX – Works consistently towards better UX. Personalized content is aligned with data cache through all channels.
  8. Conversion rate improves– PWA has enough attributes to create a satisfying UX, which enhances conversion rate.
  9. Easier to maintain –Mobile apps are plagued with maintenance issues while PWA allows businesses to curtail issues with minimal maintenance.

Progressive Web Apps vs Native Apps

PWA & Native Apps are fundamentally different. Always remember PWA / native apps are not alternatives for each other.


  1. Both have charming visual interface and an engaging design.
  2. PWA can create home screen icons for direct access as do native app icons.
  3. Both PWA and native apps are equally good at bringing traffic. Both send push notifications. Both trigger sales and are tools for customer retention.


  1. PWA’s can be installed without downloading. But native apps need to be downloaded and installed.
  2. PWA saves data and works at low internet speeds. PWA saves progress in offline mode and updates when data is available. Native apps need reasonable internet speed to work efficiently.
  3. Mobile apps work independently on the OS while PWA cannot.
  4. PWA is small compact web application and can be saved in the form of cache memory. While native apps are bigger and utilize memory storage space.
  5. PWA is much faster and less complicated while native apps need a lot of permissions to operate optimally.
  6. PWA can be searched on search engines and visited using URL. But Native apps are not identified by search engines and needs to be downloaded from App stores.


Firstly, Progressive Web Apps for ecommerce is not a substitute for native apps. For instance, Magento PWA Studio reaches a wider audience than apps. There were drawbacks for native apps as they had to be downloaded.

PWA enhances ecommerce reach to infiltrate mobile audiences even though native apps are easily available.

Issues with Native Apps That PWA Resolves

Poor Discovery – Mobile apps are only available on app stores and don’t show up in search engine results. This hampers the audience reach to native apps.

Installation Fatigue – As newer apps keep piling in daily people are fed up downloading more apps hence they prefer to evade it.

Depleting Loyalty – There are scores of apps due to which loyalty to Apps are on decline. 72% of users uninstall an app within a week while 42% delete it within 48 hours.

Successful PWA by Top Brands

Twitter Progressive Web Apps

Twitter Lite After PWA Adoption

  • Pages per session increased by 65%
  • Tweets increased by 75%
  • Bounce Rate reduced by 20%

Twitter is a popular social media website that adopted Progressive web. After the switch, average time spent by users increased by 40% in the. The PWA gives twitter healthy and engaging user experience and the revenue rose by 45% since then.

Flipkart Lite After PWA Adoption

  • Engagement rate enhanced by 40%
  • 60% of all visits generated by home screen
  • Customer conversion increased by 70%

After adopting PWA Flipkart garnered amazing results. Its popularity grew among online shoppers and is a big factor behind capturing a hefty share in the market.

Flipkart Progressive Web Apps

Flipkart was losing users who were installing their mobile app but removing it after a purchase. With Progressive Web Apps Flipkart managed to pull back 55% users to the platform that too without getting them to install the mobile app.

Progressive Web Apps – Future of Ecommerce

Mobile users have increased exponentially in the last decade and this trend will not slow down soon, but will sustain. Big brands are making the most of PWA. Therefore it’s time for smaller businesses to wake up and make use of the opportunity. PWA’s have the best web practices for businesses.

There isn’t any doubt that PWA will take over the online business in coming years. Magneto 2 PWA will see a plethora of businesses adopting it. Benefits of this technology is evident and the bottom line will provide the evidence as well.

When the majority take on Progressive Web Apps, it will become difficult for other entities to stand out and gain attention. Tech gurus are pushing to imbibe Progressive Web Apps for ecommerce. It is an opportunity to get good returns for your investment – even more than you can dream of.

Progressive Web Apps