Tuesday 23 March 2021

Offshoring During COVID Times To Keep Your Business Rolling

Offshoring During COVID Times To Keep Your Business Rolling
  • Post author:Offshoring is the process of getting your work done in another country. Essentially, this model increases your output, enhances your working hours and improves your technical expertise.

Other than being located geographically far away, it’s pretty much similar to hiring locally. The process and cost of recruiting and paying staff is quicker and much lower. Even expanding your offshore team can be done easily and within reasonable time as compared to doing it in-house.

With offshoring, the administration, payroll, recruitment, accommodation, insurance, except final decisions is handled by the offshoring team.

What is Offshoring?

This sort of business process outsourcing is not a new fad; globalized companies have been utilizing this process of business work style for decades. With the introduction of high speed communication, better internet connectivity, and advancement in communication technology, offshoring has become an activity that is handy and an excellent tool for businesses.

Especially now during COVID times, offshoring is a good respite to continue business without too much hiccup.

Countries Reputed For Offshoring

India remains the leading country to outsource. There are 14 super cities listed by experts that have an enviable reputation for offshoring. These cities pride themselves as possessing top talents specialized in IT and software development.

Offshoring of IT services

India is the 3rd largest economy after US and China in terms of purchasing power party (PPP) and 10th in terms of nominal GDP. India has moved up prodigiously in the World Bank’s ease of doing business ranking due to multiple economic reforms.

Huge youth population, high literacy rate, amazing English proficiency and government aid supports offshoring activities further.

Philippines is another popular outsourcing destination and holds the title ‘The BPO Capital of the World’. Being a former colony of Spain and the US helped them achieve cultural compatibility with the West. The country specializes in voice and non-voice-related outsourcing customer service roles like call-center or IT support.

To encourage this industry the Philippines government supports foreign investors to set up BPO companies in the country by providing incentives such as tax holidays, tax-free importation of equipment, and visa assistance.

One another region gaining traction in the off shoring front is Eastern Europe and in particular Ukraine. The country has been continuously receiving recognition from various institutions such as the Global Sourcing Association (GSA) in the UK, IAOP, and A. T Kearney. IT offshoring in expected to rise at the backdrop of COVID as developed countries look to offshore major activities so as not to lose pace which pandemic induced.

Types Of Offshoring

Production Offshoring

When a company establishes its manufacturing unit in a different country, to import the finished goods for selling it in the domestic market, it is termed as production offshoring.

Services Offshoring

A company looking for service offshoring sets up units in other countries to carry out service-related operations such as customer care, information technology, marketing, human resource, accounting, sales and more.

Benefits of Offshoring:

Today one of the main reasons companies look at offshoring isn’t cost alone, but availability of requisite man power. There are other benefits to offshoring and it isn’t limited to just reducing expenditure (as stated below).

Cost Reduction

One of the most crucial benefits of offshoring is cutting down labor cost and other operating expenses.

Cheap and Skilled Workforce

Offshoring provides competent and cost-efficient labor eager to prove itself in a developing nation.

Complete Assistance

The offshore team holds expertise in its field and will provide relevant solutions for issues related to offshored requirements.

Better Control

A company can ensure appropriate management and regulation of all its operations via offshoring.

Advantages of Offshoring

Core Business

A firm that offshores its secondary services can now focus more on its core functions.

24/7 Operations

A company has a great advantage of carrying out 24/7 service which would otherwise not be difficult in their own home country.

Risk Mitigation

Offshoring business operations reduces risk of failure, as there are several options available.

Streamline Process

You are assured of a dedicated team that would be working on offshored services to complete the assignment efficiently, effectively and in time.

Tax and Other Benefits

Many developing countries provide various types of incentives like tax benefits, tax holidays, economic zones, necessary infrastructure to attract companies for foreign direct investment.

Offshoring Disadvantages

Disadvantages of Offshoring

Offshoring is also a challenge if not handled in the right perspective.

While relocating business operations or utilizing offshoring to carry out necessary activities in a different country, firms should not overlook certain drawbacks or hurdles that could hamper future operations:

Language Barrier

Firms foraying into developing nations for relocating business processes could find language an irritating problem to overcome.

Communication Barrier

Difference in language, lingo, customs, slangs and comprehension, that organizations fail to realize at an early stage could curtail effective communication with the offshoring team.

Long Distance Locations

If the offshoring units are located in far off regions then it becomes difficult for the management to visit them often to get to know the ground realities.

Ethical Issues

If the firm pays low remuneration to the offshoring team or in any case if the facilities are run short of basic requirements, it could lead to ethical problems and negative brand image.

Socio-Cultural Problems

A company offshoring to another country needs to acquaint itself with the cultural and social environment or could encounter socio-cultural issues.

Geographical or Political Unrest

Geographical or political problems like riots, protest, shutdowns, political instability, etc. may prevail in the region where the company sets its offshoring which could affect productivity.

Strategy for offshoring
Process for successful Offshoring

Security and Safety Issues

A company’s offshoring unit could face threats of lockout and closure if the natives suspect that safety or security issues have not be handled in a correct manner.

Check-list To Select Offshoring partners

As the world continues to be in the throes of the pandemic that is disrupting scores of businesses all over the world, it undeniably opens up new avenues to conduct business – such as offshoring. This also creates new horizons for the technology sector.

Companies recognize that remote workers can be as efficient as the on-site ones so they turn to offshoring with more confidence.

Factors to be considered while selecting an offshoring partner:

  1. Staff having strong educational background
  2. A region with a stable economy
  3. Good English proficiency
  4. Cutting-edge technologies
  5. Variety of outsourcing services inculcated
  6. Smart and effective work environment
  7. Minimal cultural gap
  8. Acceptable time difference
  9. High-security standards
  10. Optimal pricing


Why companies use offshoring is clear. However, the benefits – real and tangible business advantages of offshoring is worth considering even if there could be few negatives.

Offshoring is an extension of an idea when you have access to skilled developers whom you can easily find and afford, but just happen to live on another continent maybe. Scaling up a company is never as easy as it sounds.

Taking on new employees, especially skilled ones is a huge investment and presents a significant financial risk. Combined with lower costs and other advantages the idea of offshoring is a no-brainer.

Recruiting skilled employees requires expertise and time, but where there is an accessible pool of talent and manpower tailor made for your requirements, companies prefer offshoring which is not surprising at all.

Offshoring Business Process


Friday 5 March 2021

Why Gojek Utilized Golang For Their Dispatch Management System?


Why Gojek Utilized Golang For Their Dispatch Management System?

Developers claim Go PL is ideal for applications that need high speed, high security, and considerable modularity.

Choosing an able technology to enhance a business or streamline it via an application is vital in the present day situation.  Ruby is usually the go to language for most folks as it can produce a truly fast application. But then there’s Go.

These qualities chime with the FinTech industry. Golang ensures developers don’t need to struggle with Python, Bundler, Redis, or other tech as all necessary tools are within it.

Golang is a PL that has focused vocabulary and simple scoping rules. It merges top facets of functional programming and object-oriented elegance. It is the PL with the quickest growth on Github and could replace Java and C++.

We shall especially fathom how Gojek profited by embracing Golang.

Golang icon

What is Go Programming Language?

Golang is an open source programming language that enables static typing which produces compiled machine code binaries. Developers admit that Golang is the C for this age when it comes to syntax.

Golang allows you to safely use memory, manage objects, collect garbage, and provide static (or strict) typing along with concurrency.

Golang was first introduced in 2009 with the goal of combining the best features of present PL’s. Golang is the fifth most preferred PL among developers because it solves issues like slow compilation and execution in large distributed software systems.

Golang programming language

What are the advantages of using Golang?

The reason why Golang performs similar to C is because it is much easier to maintain than Java. It doesn’t need a virtual machine, warming up period, JAR and so on.

Go is a programming language that is used primarily for apps that need to process a lot of data, another reason why Gojek took on this PL.

You don’t need a huge tech stack either. Apps created with Golang actually compile to native machine code and don’t require an interpreter or virtual machine. Hence these apps will work faster and don’t require warming up.

Golang has not gained widespread use outside Silicon Valley. Go PL does not include a library for Graphical User Interface, which is the most common way how end-users interact with any device that has a screen.

Golang popularity

Main Use Cases of Go:

  • System Programming
  • Serverless Computing
  • Business Applications
  • Cloud-Native Development
  • IoT

Use Golang for a Range of Apps

Golang solves a lot of problems as it is flexible. It can be used for system and network programming, big data, machine learning, audio and video editing, and more.

Get Performance and a Wider Audience

Golang is a compiled language that manages allocated memory ably and doesn’t require interpretation. This frees up power and gives such Apps better performance which is in great demand by users.

Golang apps are less demanding in terms of system requirements. This is good for users with older devices, as they’ll get to enjoy older apps which in turn widen your user base.

App May Never Crash

Golang uses the entire potential of multiple cores and processor resources therefore it’s perfect for running apps in the background in a single process. This is because Go-routines use threads and require less RAM due to non-system thread nature. Hence the risk of a Golang app crashing due to lack of memory is low.

Golang developers salary

Plenty of Support for Golang Apps

  • Automatic documentation GoDoc generates documentation automatically with Golang code. You also get a structured and formatted technical documentation features such as cross-referencing, code examples, and links to the version control repository.
  • Static code analysis GoMetaLinter assists analysis of code quickly and in detail as it’s a metatool. It saves time and you can create LR parsers to enhance analysis.
  • Embedded testing environment Golang provides a simple API for testing, profiling, and adding your own code samples. You can easily start testing, run parallel tests, skip tests, and do more.
  • Race condition detection Race conditions can be an issue when creating multi-threaded applications because some processes compete with each other and this can get completed in an unexpected order. Which can cause errors hard to discover. Hence Race Detector was built to rid all race condition issues in time and provide backward compatibility.

Disadvantages of using Golang

Golang was created to be similar to C to simplify implementation. Golang is a good choice for single-page apps consisting of basic UI elements. But it has not gained widespread acceptance outside Silicon Valley.

Golang doesn’t have its own Graphical User Interface library. This is the most common process through which end-users interact with any device that has a screen, therefore developers spend a lot of time and knowledge to connect a library to your app. But Python or Java scores by having a native solution.

Where you should use Golang

Golang is good to introduce additional services on your app and for scalable high-performance apps as Gojek discovered. This was the primal reason for Gojek to adopt Golang. The speed advantage made Golang a critical component of cloud infrastructure. If serverless ecosystem is your choice of work, Golang is what should be aiming for.

Benefits of using Golang

Cloud services

Google is using this language to provide cloud infrastructure as it offers credible performance and scalability to their Cloud Platform. In fact Dropbox, Terraform, Kubernetes, and Docker are using Golang for the very same reason.

Media platforms

YouTube, SoundCloud, and Netflix adopted Golang to counter high loads.  SoundCloud uses Golang to deploy internal services within complex projects.

On-demand services

When folks began to geofence lookups that sent thousands of queries per second, Uber looked for options to improve map processing speeds. Golang came to the rescue by significantly reducing the time required to provide answer to users.

Besides services and products there are good tools for app development. Hence the adoption of Golang in app creation and other industries will continue to rise. Apps that run on the cloud are normally written in Golang or Scala.

Even though Golang is a young PL, it has gained popularity with the likes of Google, Netflix, Uber, Gojek and others with the basic intent to scale their products and achieve high performance. Golang is providing many tools for mobile and web development and reducing time as well as costs for app development and support.

Golang programming language