Thursday 21 July 2016

Highway Driving (Long Distance Driving)

Highway Driving (Long Distance Driving)

Most people who own 4 wheeler's begin off driving in urban or rural locales depending on their place of stay. Most probably, within the confines of a 50 km range. Here the top speed certainly would not be above 60 kmph & average speed would be around 30 kmph. Am sure most of us are aware that in a recent survey the average speed in Bengaluru is found to be around 15 kmph – could be much lower in the CBD. In fact I have seen people who purchase new cars usually take them out on highways with few days of owning these cars, I do not say that it does not augur well, but yes if you are a first time owner of a 4-wheeler then it certainly is not be advisable. Driving in the city or on highways is way different. And most are graduating from 2-wheelers, hence knowingly or unknowingly their style of driving is similar to what they were doing while driving 2-wheelers. Am sure this makes sense to you if you are one such driver.

 Like getting into an intersection at higher speeds, not really taking into account the width & length of the vehicle, sometimes going over bumps at higher speeds, trying to overtake even if the space may not be enough, sometimes overtaking via the left side of a vehicle, not keeping enough distance with the vehicle ahead, fishtailing, etc., Sometimes such folks meet up with mishaps which might be due to carelessness of other drivers or sometimes due to an error in judgment on their side.

During long distance driving or highway driving, the speeds are always higher as compared to city driving, this is the first & the most important detail that needs to be factored during highway driving. What we got to understand is when the speeds are higher the braking (stopping) will be slower, that is distance to stop will be considerably higher. And there are chances of the vehicle going into a skid in panic braking & then total loss of control of the vehicle & disaster. 

And because the speeds are much higher you are covering more distance each second, hence your reaction time is important. If & when your reaction time is slow (due to various reasons) then there are chances vehicle would reach a region where you are not assuming it would reach. So utmost important to keep your eye on the road at all times, hence if there are people alongside & you have a habit of keeping eye contact while conversing then there could be trouble which should be avoided. At higher speeds having a sense of timing is important, this comes only with practice. 

This is something like when on a highway, you notice a bus ahead and much further ahead you notice another vehicle approaching – you do not know for sure who will reach the vehicle first (that is to the one ahead of you on your lane). If you are approaching at a higher speed & then you realize the opposite vehicle would be reaching first, you might have to resort to panic braking to slow down to avoid rear ending the vehicle ahead of you. But in case you slow down & reach the vehicle much earlier than you thought you would, now you may not get enough time to accelerate & overtake the vehicle ahead of you. Something i have faced at regularly, if you are an expert at this you could reach your destination on time especially on roads with 2 way traffic. 

Fatigue is another important factor, because driving long distances – more time is involved & keeping a steady concentration for longer periods gets you fatigued, then your reaction time could be slower while you may certainly not be slowing down due to fatigue. So its important to get enough rest & take timely breaks. Night driving on highways is something absolutely way different, day driving certainly helps hone your skills. In a country like India especially where the roads are bad & traffic is haphazard, over & above not too many folks follow all necessary regulations driving on highways needs to be practiced with caution. 

Long Drives

                                             Long Drives

One of the desires that people usually mention during talks or moments of ‘baring the heart’ is the intent to go on long drives. It has always intrigued me as to why people desire to go on long drives, what is that really impels them or produces a kind of solace even while contemplating it. I have had the good fortune of doing long drives on numerous occasions in my late 20’s and mid-30’s. This basically began when after education we started working & found the world granite under-foot, not the grassy knolls we were used to.

I have been driving off to far-flung locales in groups of 4 to 6 persons for reasons unbeknown & beyond comprehension it was more like a running away from the present– but it certainly did give me a feeling of respite so as to recharge our batteries & come back to the same high strung work atmosphere. Before we drive off or during the planning stage itself I ask my companions what is the motivation of the drive? 1) Is the motivation to go for the drive to take rest a break from the back-breaking work we do? 2) Or is it to see & enjoy the beauty of some scenic spot? 3) Or finally is it the journey which is important than the destination? Ones this is clear in the mind then we can decide on where to go & how far so as to decide on the location.

If & when the decision is basically with the intent to go for a long drive & have rest at the destination – our usual destination was Goa – the booze was cheap & there were other recreations too, from Bangalore it took us roughly 10 hours to get there. Hence ones in a month (one weekend) was spent in Goa. With 2 or 3 persons in the group who can drive, 10 hours drive was not too much ado. As I did most of the driving, what I realized is that during the drive we got to keep our mind off all the other things which would otherwise cram for space in the cranium & it absolutely had to be on the road. Am sure most folks will agree that in India doing long drives, is not like in other developed countries where the roads are super paved & the traffic light. 

In India the traffic is crazy, the roads are bad & there isn’t much space of the road either (with most roads being 2-way). Keeping a good 60 kmph average is very commendable indeed. Hence while driving, our mind of devoid of all the stuff garnered over the week or month would be calm. Driving was certainly cathartic to me. It was more like a mediation, we all know that meditation is not for the young, its really difficult to keep the mind absolutely empty & from straying. 

Hence what happens during long drives is what should happen during a meditation, we keep the mind literally empty, keep it from the straying & this could go on for more than a couple of hours. This certainly has a very salubrious effect on the mind, brain, the persona & telling effects on the physical being too. And these long drives exhausted you so that you had pretty good sleep at the destination. Overall a rejuvenated you.     

A True Believer - Jonah

Of all the personalities in the Bible, there are umpteen of them in the old & new Testaments put together– some were absolutely faithful like Abraham, some renown like David, some infamous like Pharaoh, some pious, others shallow or hideous to name a few with their signature uniqueness, there would also be a handful who would have impressed upon each one of us their characteristics & persona. One such personality who has had a telling effect on me is Jonah.  Even though Jonah did not have too much written about himself in the Bible – only about 4 chapters & a week of his life, in the little that was written he has very clearly revealed his personality & character. Let me take this opportunity to put across the reasons for my undeniable amity towards this prophet.
Firstly, when God asked Jonah to go to Nineveh & preach the coming of punishment for their evil ways, Jonah’s reaction to the command was to flee by ship to Tarshish. This could be looked upon as a serious misdemeanor, but Jonah himself says that he knows God too well (that God is slow to anger & abounding in steadfast love) to comprehend that a loving God will not let this come to pass if there is repentance. Hence his response to the command - flee.
Secondly, while traveling in a ship which is struck by a rare storm – but in its wake Jonah is resting peacefully in the lower deck knowing explicitly that God protects his children come what. It is then that the other sea-farers notice one of their co-traveler’s asleep, they awaken him & asks him to pray to his God to save them all. Finally when a lot is cast to find who could be held accountable for his predicament, the name of Jonah comes up. Here also we see Jonah’s undeniable faith in his Maker, he gives instruction that he may be tossed into the sea (so that the ship, crew, passengers & cargo maybe saved) knowing very well that his Abba will take care of him.
But we can now see that Jonah has the first effects of his rebellion dilute and then he is swallowed by a fish, he prays to God for respite from the belly of the fish & is spewed on dry land after spending three days & three nights in the belly of the fish.
The word now came to Jonah a second time & he traveled to Nineveh, which is a considerably large city (three days walk across & population of one hundred twenty thousand) & goes about declaring the coming of disaster. We can here gather that he was good at his art, due to which the King of Nineveh repented & proclaimed a fast for all citizens (& animals too). They were asked to put on sackcloth, sit in ashes, cry mightily to God, turn from their evil ways & violence – so that God may relent & change his mind.
Therefore God relented & took the calamity away, but this displeased Jonah, who clearly states that he knew beforehand that God is merciful. Here we have something to learn, Jonah was more worried about his reputation getting tarnished by being proved wrong – his ego playing truant. So God teaches him a lesson, after proclaiming the coming of disaster Jonah waits sitting in a booth under the hot sun, the Lord appoints a bush to provide shade for Jonah from the scorching sun, but the next day a worm attacked the bush & withered it. The sun then beat down rather harshly that Jonah who concerned about his reputation being at stake & his discomfort due to loss of the bush. God tells Jonah that the loss of a bush which provided relief made him melancholic then how much concern would God have for so much life.

Thus we can see in Jonah a true believer, one who very clearly comprehends Gods love & providence.