Thursday 21 July 2016

A True Believer - Jonah

Of all the personalities in the Bible, there are umpteen of them in the old & new Testaments put together– some were absolutely faithful like Abraham, some renown like David, some infamous like Pharaoh, some pious, others shallow or hideous to name a few with their signature uniqueness, there would also be a handful who would have impressed upon each one of us their characteristics & persona. One such personality who has had a telling effect on me is Jonah.  Even though Jonah did not have too much written about himself in the Bible – only about 4 chapters & a week of his life, in the little that was written he has very clearly revealed his personality & character. Let me take this opportunity to put across the reasons for my undeniable amity towards this prophet.
Firstly, when God asked Jonah to go to Nineveh & preach the coming of punishment for their evil ways, Jonah’s reaction to the command was to flee by ship to Tarshish. This could be looked upon as a serious misdemeanor, but Jonah himself says that he knows God too well (that God is slow to anger & abounding in steadfast love) to comprehend that a loving God will not let this come to pass if there is repentance. Hence his response to the command - flee.
Secondly, while traveling in a ship which is struck by a rare storm – but in its wake Jonah is resting peacefully in the lower deck knowing explicitly that God protects his children come what. It is then that the other sea-farers notice one of their co-traveler’s asleep, they awaken him & asks him to pray to his God to save them all. Finally when a lot is cast to find who could be held accountable for his predicament, the name of Jonah comes up. Here also we see Jonah’s undeniable faith in his Maker, he gives instruction that he may be tossed into the sea (so that the ship, crew, passengers & cargo maybe saved) knowing very well that his Abba will take care of him.
But we can now see that Jonah has the first effects of his rebellion dilute and then he is swallowed by a fish, he prays to God for respite from the belly of the fish & is spewed on dry land after spending three days & three nights in the belly of the fish.
The word now came to Jonah a second time & he traveled to Nineveh, which is a considerably large city (three days walk across & population of one hundred twenty thousand) & goes about declaring the coming of disaster. We can here gather that he was good at his art, due to which the King of Nineveh repented & proclaimed a fast for all citizens (& animals too). They were asked to put on sackcloth, sit in ashes, cry mightily to God, turn from their evil ways & violence – so that God may relent & change his mind.
Therefore God relented & took the calamity away, but this displeased Jonah, who clearly states that he knew beforehand that God is merciful. Here we have something to learn, Jonah was more worried about his reputation getting tarnished by being proved wrong – his ego playing truant. So God teaches him a lesson, after proclaiming the coming of disaster Jonah waits sitting in a booth under the hot sun, the Lord appoints a bush to provide shade for Jonah from the scorching sun, but the next day a worm attacked the bush & withered it. The sun then beat down rather harshly that Jonah who concerned about his reputation being at stake & his discomfort due to loss of the bush. God tells Jonah that the loss of a bush which provided relief made him melancholic then how much concern would God have for so much life.

Thus we can see in Jonah a true believer, one who very clearly comprehends Gods love & providence. 

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