Sunday 7 August 2016



This is my testimony for the love our Lord has bestowed on me. This has to do with events transpired many moons back, this has come to pass due to the inspiration of my mother at cajoling me into writing this so as to thank the Lord for His constant love & protection. It’s certainly our mothers who endure the anxiety & trepidation sitting at home waiting for their sons or daughters to come back home – especially in a city like Bangalore.  

Thank the Lord, that certainly I did, a silent prayer for having got out of the quagmire with not too much damage, but am sure if I had to pay for it with something more than a scratch I would have been like where were you Lord when I needed you most. This is also written for all those people who have had their faith tested time & again to convince you that God cares, it is up to us sometimes to see beyond such occurrences to a higher calling.   

I travel to work daily by a 2-wheeler, am a resident of Bangalore. Even though I own a car (I use my bike) which is a safer mode of transportation; I have taken to this form of travel so as to save time. My office is located more than 20km from my residence, hence I preferred traveling by bike as I could reach office in an hour. But by car it could easily take me a couple of hours.
One day on my way to the office in the morning, I took a curve on the road and suddenly found that the traffic in front of me was not moving, it was standstill, because of the curve the traffic jam ahead was not noticed by me.

So as I slowed down quickly I became aware of a very loud noise behind me, when I looked in my rear view mirror I realized that it was a lorry coming at an uncontrollable speed. I realized the lorry would not stop in time, so even though there was practically no space ahead of me – as there was a traffic jam, I squeezed my bike in between 2 vehicles – just then the lorry came & crashed into the traffic pile in front of it. The lorry hit in all 6 vehicles including mine, 2 person were injured grievously & 3 others minor injuries including me. But my bike was broken up as it had taken the brunt of the hit from the lorry in its rear. Looking at my bike people asked what happened to this bike’s rider & they were all shocked to see that I had suffered only minor bruises.    

The next incident that I have to narrate also happened during my morning commute to my office. As my bike had been given for service, I borrowed my friend’s scooter (Honda Activa), I was in a hurry as I was late to office. But being new & inexperienced on a scooter I should have been more careful because on a bike the stopping distance is much lesser & control is better on a bike rather than a scooter. As I was approaching an intersection a bike & rider rushed from the opposite direction & cut across me, if I had not slowed down immediately I would have hit that bike. 

So I pressed both the brakes of the Activa, but the scooter being new to me & as I was not having enough experience on a scooter, the scooter went into a skid & I fell down on the road, there was a lorry behind me coming at a very good speed. I don’t know how he managed to stop the fully laden behemoth before anything untoward occurred. After falling to the ground when I looked up I was under the lorry just few inches away from the front wheel.

And finally the last incident that I want to narrate happened around 3 PM, one of my uncle’s had passed away unexpectedly & I planned to attend his funeral in Kerala. As his demise was sudden I had to the visit office to complete necessary works before I could leave (as I would be away for 2 or 3 days). So I took off in the afternoon & hoped to catch a bus early in the evening to my home town in Kearla. So I was rushing home to pack & leave. I was traveling in the inner roads which had lots of crossings, but I was on the main road. All of a sudden a bike with 2 persons on it came from one of the bye roads at a very high speed & knocked into me even before I could react. The hit threw me off my bike & I landed few meters away & my bike went crashing too. 

The other bike & riders too were hurt in the incident. Later I found that the driver of the other bike was drunk & they picked a quarrel with me saying I was not careful & got into the intersection at high speed. I called the Police, they reached immediately & all of us went to the nearby Police station to sort things out. The Police clarified that it was not an error on my side but the other rider was at fault, over & above at the Police Station they were telling that the pillion rider was the driver as they actual driver was drunk & did not own a licence either. I missed my bus, could not travel to Kerala due to the injuries suffered, over & above I had to take off for a week to recover from the ordeal.

Hence as you can see overall I have been protected from any major injuries during – I would say in the past 10 yrs from anything debilitating injury even though I travel so much. My friends always asked me if I had any backache problems due to so much travel on a 2-wheeler, but our Lord has been very kind & loving to me all through.

I also take this opportunity to thank our Blessed Mother Mary for her constant intercession & I always make it a point to pray for all my wayfarers whenever I travel on a bike or by car. God Bless. 

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