Wednesday 9 December 2020

Seeing Is Believing Will Herald Video Marketing In 2021

 Seeing Is Believing Will Herald Video Marketing In 2021

Seeing Is Believing Will Herald Video Marketing In 2021
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The past few years created a transformation in content marketing and video has emerged leading the pack.

It is now considered an effective strategy to connect with your audience. With mobile marketing reaching new heights, many smartphone users find it difficult to resist engaging videos.

Take a look at these figures:

  • Each month, 84% of Internet users watch video content.
  • By next year, the average person will spend 90 minutes daily watching online videos (a 17% increase from last year).
  • 90% of companies claim having got new customers due to video content on social media
  • 60% of businesses say that videos on social media get the best ROI

Video Marketing

Video marketing isn’t as complex as we perceive it to be. It’s more about getting familiar with the kind of video content people love to watch – and then offering just that. Nowadays video messaging apps allow organizations to send quick, personal video messages directly to their customers.

As of now two-thirds of the population worldwide are video chatting more now than they were 6 months before. Figures across the four continents and fourteen countries prove that 55% of consumers have now used video to connect with businesses and service providers.

And this effect is definitely here to stay as videos have proved useful in delivering engaging and personalized experiences as well as bridging the empathy gap, between brands and their customers that the pandemic has exposed.

The world’s largest contact lenses provider experienced a massive rise in orders at the onset of the pandemic. To maintain rich connections with customers they hired more call center employees and sent them individualized videos with the prescription of the doctor who reviewed their eye exam. These videos helped them reach their customers on a very personal level.

No other medium of communication comes this close and provides a level of personal connectivity, empathy, detail, and client service. Video enables agents to resolve calls more quickly, positive, efficiently, enhancing customer experience, agent productivity and the brand’s bottom line.

Implementation of video solution allows firms to enhance their level of service commitment to customers and improve their efficiency in handling enquiries as well.

The question remains how many brands and organizations will be able to look past the perceived expense and see advantages too.

  • The additional advantage of enabling a personal connection with your clients.
  • You increase availability for clients and, at the same time, save money thanks to reduced travel times and costs for employees and clients.
  • Video consultancy ensures you to utilize your specialists efficiently. You can also include your experts easily and without delay when required.
  • With video consultancy, you are able to synchronise your online channels with the stationary business (Omni-channel).

Here we shall explore these engaging types of video content people love to watch with insights on building brand awareness, to captivate customers and influence users.


Vlogs are adaptive for the time starved populace.

Most firms imbue video marketing and splurge on an extensive brand introduction video. It looks impeccable on the landing page and social media. But when it fails to deliver substantial new business – the appeal wears off quickly.

Vlogs offer a cost-effective platform to establish a unique brand voice and professional image that resonates with your clients. Video content need not be Oscar-worthy.

Begin with an impromptu series with your smartphone or webcam, and a basic script. This authentic approach makes your video content relatable, humane, instead of a polished, corporate production.

YouTube celebrities, sportspersons, influencers, and entrepreneurs have been treading this path for years now because it’s incredibly efficient and powerful in building strong, transparent, long-lasting relationships with followers.


Product Review 

A product review is an effective video content, especially for consumers who intent to buy.

Product review videos help establish trust with your audience. Reviewing products can help answer common questions, dispel doubts and show viewers unique benefits of your products. This gives necessary information to folks deciding on a purchase.

Some marketers think that product review videos won’t work for their business, because they operate B2B model that has limited products like a SaaS company.

But what this does not mean is that you shouldn’t do product reviews of other related goods or services that don’t have direct competition with you. By referring quality products that are compatible with your own, you enhance customer experience of your products and services, encouraging customer satisfaction on the whole.



Google brought Hangouts to host webinars. People attend virtual webinars to learn from you and your guests about topics that matter to them. Webinars are an excellent tool that can be promoted using paid ads.

You can use Facebook ads to drive sign-ups for your webinar and leverage that traffic to generate more leads and, eventually make more sales of your product / service.

Webinars can include various types of videos as in:

  • Hosting an FAQ section to answer queries.
  • Reviewing a product with existing customers.
  • Doing a roundtable panel discussion with several experts in your niche.

You don’t need to produce webinars that often, but remember you could gain a lot of mileage and not lose much either.

Company Credo 

Innovative brand storytelling can set a company apart from its competition, while motivating employees and captivating consumers. That’s why this ranks as an innovative type of video marketing for behind-the-scenes story-telling  that reveals your company culture to the world.

These videos offer an exhaustive experience by pulling back the opacity of your business by allowing consumers and potential customers to forge a connection with your brand. Your subscribers can see how your office looks, your working environment, your sense of dressing, your personality, and how your team interacts.

You can create different types of videos such as office pranks, brainstorming sessions or after-work events. The goal is to bring forward the character of your team and the ambience of your workspace.


TED talks have surged in popularity to become a global forum. While there are many fantastic speakers and intriguing topics, the real reason behind the success is TED offers humongous audience and massive global reach.

A presentation produces an excitement similar to that of an event. It goes on to combine the practical applications of a webinar to create a compelling and absolutely shareable video. Most TED speakers yearn to enhance their brand presence. 

Brands can leverage this format by giving presentations at small get-togethers or networking events. You can target a small but focused audience. Capture this on video and share it on your social channels.


Every week offer a podcast via audio and video interviews. Interview videos are perfect for building and enhancing brand authority, as they:

  • Allow you to align your brand with an inspiring person.
  • Helps you establish authority with inputs from respected personalities.
  • Gives your audience an inspiring experience, where someone in your business or market space answers hard-hitting questions.

Like a vlog, a good interview should follow basic guidelines and shouldn’t seem scripted. The job of an interviewer is to keep the other person talking freely while guiding them through hot topics, trends and get some exclusive news or secret for the audience feel it worthwhile.

What’s great about interview videos is that you can easily create a series leveraging knowledge to power your content marketing. Interviewees can share the videos via various channels to amplify reach and drive more traffic.

Tutorial / How To 

Consider the concept of online influencers – people who rise from total unknowns to fame and fortune, just through online videos. The millennial population is ahead because they know:

  • People love to watch videos.
  • People value valuable insights.

Common folks have seen incredible fame and fortune attained  through makeup tutorials on YouTube. What began as a simple tutorial video before catching the eye of thousands. Such folks know their audience and value them. With free tutorials, they built their business on the reputation they garnered.

Brands should understand that helpful content has to be more than just promotional tie ups and soft selling. Consumers are smart to recognize a sales approach from knowledge transfer – especially millennials and Gen-Z.

So if you put out quality tutorials with the primary focus to help people, you earn their trust, which will lead to a sale over time.


What do you get when you add different types of video content and go on to roll them all together into one short and polished video clip? It’s is then called an Event Video. It’s part webinar, part vlog, part promotional video. In this age when social media rules the roost, event videos are gaining popularity. This is especially true when it involves a sneak peek into behind the scenes activity of a glitzy corporate event.

Video Marketing stats

Create short videos on social media with excellent impact that gives a powerful, emotive marketing technique creates a feel of fear of missing out factor. This creates a psychological trigger, in which people suffer anxiety when they are left out from social occasions, new experiences or important events.

By creating exclusive and exciting event videos you can bring in hordes of people to the party and have a massive audience. With others wishing that they could have made it here. Done the right manner, these little snippets can quickly foster brand recognition and ensure people perceive your firm as one with a finger on the pulse of latest happenings.

To maximize the effect of event videos, you can also shoot them live on social media too.

Live Streaming 

Live stream videos are the norm on many channels because:

  • 45% of viewers who live stream video have increased consumption compared to last year.
  • 43% of viewers have been watching less TV due to live streaming.
  • Viewing live video content has risen by 65% in the past one year alone.
  • Live streaming is predicted to be a $70.5 billion industry in 2021.

Whether it’s breaking news, a sports game or an exclusive announcement from someone influential, a live-stream video has that magical allure.

Live videos produces suspense as the outcome of the event is not clear and people tend to feel left out if they do not tune in.

  • Studies show that live streams generate ten times more engagement than regular videos.
  • Neil Patel states live video broadcasts receive 550% more engagement than regular posts.

Another advantage this sort of video content is that live videos permits real-time community interaction. Viewers can be invited to join a conversation as the video unfolds, and may even get acknowledged by the broadcaster, live on air.

This satisfies the unconscious need for instant gratification, making viewers feel inclusive at a live event.


Blogs, presentations and product reviews are excellent types of video marketing, but a clever way to take them to the next-level is via video testimonials. By putting the spotlight on an existing customer, viewers can see how happy their clients are.

The key is to get real customers and not hire actors. Reach out to your satisfied customer base to create genuine video testimonials. There may require some effort in getting these testimonials, but it is worth the effort and you can encourage inputs by offering freebie gifts to those who record a video testimonial.

Video Emails

Here’s something you might not have realized:

Time spent on Videos

Adding the word ‘video’ to your email subject line boosts open rates by 15%. Even the most crowded inbox, a subject line with ‘video’ is hard to ignore.

Follow these tips for great video emails:

  • Keep it short: One or two minutes is all you need.
  • Get to the point: After giving a brief, explain the reason for your contact and highlight the benefits.
  • Include a call-to-action: An effective CTA is imperative, so make sure you elicit a response by asking them to give you a call or follow a link to a landing page.

Contests / Gifts 

Video marketing can be used to promote a free-gift or raffle on social media. All it takes is one or two short videos to hike up the interest. If you have good prizes and an engaging video, a giveaway post can quickly be shared to spread brand awareness and attract attention.

You can combine this with other types of video content, perhaps announcing the winners in a live-stream video or on Instagram.


Video Marketing


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