Wednesday 8 July 2020

Bartimeus - Walk in faith

Bartimeus - Walk in faith

Jericho was a city that had carved a niche for itself with traditional eminence and economic distinction as its cardinal pillars in the Palestinian region from bygone days. Herod was the absolute ruler from 30 BC onwards. Herod's rule oversaw the construction of a hippodrome-theatre to entertain his guests and new aqueducts to irrigate the area below the cliffs and reach his winter palaces. Being one of the oldest and a commercially prosperous city had its share of onerous times and good fortunes. Jericho was the last stop en route to Jerusalem 16 miles away. This road (between Jerusalem and Jericho) is the famed setting for the Parable of the Good Samaritan proclaimed by Jesus.

 The time was just past 10 in the morning, the usual hustle and bustle of the marketplace reverberated in his eardrums. He could picture the entire scene in front of him, the children had just passed by few minutes ago on their way to the synagogue. The business community was waking up to yet another day of hard work and labour. The plebeian class made their way to the shops in and around the market. The owners would trudge in later, the laborers made it first to the market which would soon be a beehive of activity. 

On the road in front of him, the donkey carts rolled-on monotonously. The beasts of burden loathed the beginning the day, a long day of struggle stared them in the eye. Their keepers cussed and beat them to move on, for the mule-drivers knew they had to work hard and toil under the sun to earn pennies to afford bread on the table for their families.

 All this Bartimeus could fathom even though he was blind. He and his companion were regulars on this road, a familiar sight to most. The alms were plenty during festivals, when droves of people visited Jerusalem- usually three times a year. Otherwise the pickings were non-existent, but for Sabbath days. The heat of the noon-day sun was scorching and kept them thirsty or hungry all through the day. 

The cloak that they loosely wrapped around did little to keep the sun away. Standing or occasionally sitting, but all the time listening kept him in the know. He could hear muted conversations regarding one Jesus of Nazareth. Most said he is the messiah, the one who would save Israel. The saviour from David’s lineage.

 All of a sudden, Bartimaeus could sense a huge crowd coming from the town and heading towards Jerusalem. There were shouts and a palpable fervour in the air which he could not fathom and it was then he heard the name, Jesus of Nazareth. He asked a passer-by, what the commotion was about and who was passing by. The man replied that Jesus of Nazareth was passing by on his way to Jerusalem. 

Bartimaeus realized this was the opportune time he had been waiting for to change his life for good. Bartimaeus pleaded to the crowd, take me to Him. But there was no response, after repeated requests- someone said, there’s no way and the crowd is huge. 

He begged his companion for assistance to call out to Jesus, but his companion seeking the opportune moment was busy pleading for alms from the crowd. Bartimaeus called out, “Jesus of Nazareth have mercy of me”. But his voice was all but drowned in the commotion. 

He raised his voice to a feverish pitch, but to no avail. He then screamed out, but the crowd commanded him to keep quiet. Bartimaeus knew his time was running out, he knew Jesus was a common name around, so he called out, “Jesus, son of David have mercy of me”. 

 All of a sudden the noise seemed to abate. Someone called out to him, hey come over the Master seeks you. Bartimeaus knew his days of begging was done with, he threw the cloak away, the sun didn’t feel hot anymore. They led him to Jesus. Jesus asked him, “What do you want me to do for you?” Bartimeaus answered, “Master, I want to see again.” 

He could feel a touch on his eyes and then the darkness cleared and he saw the face of his saviour. Bartimeaus feasted on the loving and kind face of Jesus. Then Jesus moved away and the crowd with him. Bartimeaus looked around, he knew what he had to do. He took a deep breath and followed his master.     

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